Monday, December 31, 2012

Fabric Flowers!

On a long car ride for the holidays? I am today and I am starting work for my bridal bouquet and centerpieces! Eek! Yupp I just got engaged! But the point is if you have extra fabric then it's really easy to bring a craft into the car too!
My mom and I are making fabric rosettes! These will be used mostly for centerpieces but trust me we have so many more to go!! I guess you can tell that green is the main wedding color! This is a recyclable idea as well after the wedding we can use the rosettes in other projects! Any brides like this I will be making some bouquets for The Something Blue Hanger! Let me know!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Hanger Girl Christmas List!

Hanger Girl Christmas List!

1. I want umm- Everything and to wear it all together!
love it! 

2. Are you Obsessed with this chevron top?? I am!

like the orange

3. Sweet Phone cover! Lace and Pearls- two of my favorite things!

Pearl and Lace iPhone case

4.  Glitter High Heels! Perfect for New Year's Eve! This pair is handmade too!

Make your own Glitter Pumps!!!  Perfect for NYE!

5. Seamstress Jewelry! Pretty Please be under my tree!
love this "budding designer" necklace

What is on your list?? Let me know if you got it on this Christmas Day!!

Merry Christmas!
Love, The Original Hanger Girl

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Closet Checklist

Classic Closet Checklist!

After watching way too much What Not To Wear over the Years, I found this checklist and realized it would be Stacy and Clinton APPROVED! More than that it is Hanger Girl APPROVED! Check it out and consider these easy to mix and match outfit choices! Then add in some of your own personal style, maybe with some special vintage pieces or some trendy modern items! But keep in mind, the checklist will transcend not only Vogue's trends but your own trends as well!

Start checking off

Monday, December 17, 2012

Hanger Girl Solution

Tired of wearing your scarf the same way every day?? Hanger Girls found the Solution!

 Check out this website!  
I had no idea what to do with a scarf til now. Click this button and you'll see them all, each one has individual directions on how to tie it with videos and tips - ty Cara for this one!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Easy Skirt Tutorial Share from Pinterest!

Check out this Blog: Cotton and Curls
(such a cute name)

This was a fun skirt to make! I cut two tee shirts up in 4 inch sections, then sewed them together in alternating colors matching the seams together. Sew with zig zag stitch-make sure your fabric doesn't stretch while you sew or it will looked rippled or serge with it set to sew knits. I made sure the bottom, hemmed 4 inch section of one shirt was the top and the bottom, hemmed 4 inch section of the other shirt was the bottom so there wasn't any hemming necessary. Woot woot! Then to make everything smooth and fitted I sewed down the matched seams on the right and left sides to create a perfect seam and have it fit my body. Make sure it is nice and tight! I LOVE how it turned out! I love these stretchy long skirts, sexy....yet modest.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Hanger Remodel!


Bored of Your Hangers??

Use Mod Podge and scrapbooking paper or vintage wallpaper to give them new life! 

1.Cut hanger shape or for a different look strips of paper. 

2.Brush Mod Podge onto hanger. 

3.Place paper onto hanger.

4. Brush Mod Podge over paper.

5. Allow for drying time. 

6. Use adorable hanger in your closet or as art like we do here at The Hanger!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Pinterest Parties!

A Pintrest Party! everyone brought a food made from recipe found on Pintrest & then made 2 crafts found on Pintrest supplied by hostess, this would be sooooo fun! reminds me of girl craft cub Christmas parties @Hannah Kirkpatrick @Sarah Johnson @Courtney Hamsley @Lallie Maddox I miss you girls 

Keep an eye out starting in 2013 
 we are hosting Pinterest parties!! 

Come and make an awesome gift that you get to take home that night!

If you have something you would like to make feel free to let me know! 

Pinterest Parties- 2013!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

What to Wear in the Winter??

Wear a Tuxedo Jacket!

Just because it's too chilly to don a dress, doesn't mean you can't rock a super-hot date-night look.  Women always prove that menswear can be seductive. 
White or creme jackets with a skinny jean are my favorite!
 Try this look tonight!