Thursday, August 23, 2012

Woot Woot! Small Businesses ROCK!
 | staff
Jul 31, 2012

It's Official: Americans Love Small Business

Report: Compared to major corporations, small businesses have won the hearts and minds of consumers.
Country storefront
Here's some good news for small businesses: You can do no wrong in the eyes of the American people. Well, most of them, anyway.
According to the 2012 Public Affairs Pulse Survey, 88% of adults have a favorable view of small businesses. Fifty-three percent have a very favorable view of small businesses. Meanwhile, the number of people who say the same for major corporations is just 16%. Overall, more than half of the survey respondents believe small-business owners tend to exhibit honest and ethical behavior unlike CEOs of major corporations.
The survey, which is based on interviews with 1,750 adults living in the U.S., also found that Americans generally believe that small businesses are the backbone of the middle class. Fifty-one percent say small business has supported the middle class for the past 50 years. This response outweighed other options such as unions, major companies, and the government.
Respondents also preferred to support local businesses over large companies--even at a price increase. More than two-thirds say they would prefer to do business with “a smaller local company that may charge somewhat higher prices” than with larger companies that may offer lower prices. This statistic has risen 6% from 2011.
The survey coincides with other polls recently released highlighting job creation as a top priority for voters in the upcoming presidential election.

I love her style and her tutorials are really easy to follow! Check her out!!! I will definitely be making this sequin skirt for the store! can you say amazing holiday party outfit!!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Check out this link!! It is my Friend Emily Showing Off her fabulous classes and deals for jewelry making classes and bead kits!!

You can finad everything on her website too at

Emily is Amazing!!

There are multiple ways to shop your favorite products with The Hanger! 
  1.  Visit our store location in Louisville, KY! 
  2. Follow or events calendar for our Pop-Up Shop Locations at fairs between Indianapolis- Louisville- Cincinnati Areas! 
  3. Or Shop online 24 hours a day at our new website!! 

We are creative and sewing everyday so there is always something new to see and love! 

Tell your friends to join our facebook page and receive 10%off their next purchase in store!

This is a photo of a Happy Customer!! She purchased this fabulous circle skirt! She is enjoying it and cant wait to pair it with different tops and accessories to make different outfits!

The Hanger Introductions

First of all we want to introduce ourselves! We are

The Hanger Girls!

Amanda Dare Hinds, Owner/CEO of The Hanger. Amanda is a recent (May 2012) graduate of the University of Louisville holding two degrees.  She takes extreme pride in her business and is happy to work any and all jobs within the company! She loves True Blood and her little family- Ryan and Simba.
Amanda Haas, Vice President/ Director of Manufacturing. Amanda has a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Louisville. She is a highly skilled seamstress and an amazing artist/ designer. She is also loves anything Geek Chic and will challenge anyone to a game of trivia.
Ashley Nowotny, Director of Marketing. Ashley is attending The University of Louisville for a Business degree in Marketing; and she is excited to graduate this December. She is The Hanger's Biggest Fan. She is hilarious and typically starts all the catch phrases around The Hanger!